Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Roo and Peas

This dish sounds awful, and provides opportunities for some truly terrible Indian currency related puns, but is actually pretty awesome.

Sear the roo steaks in a very hot pan, reserve and lower the heat a bit.  Add onion, garlic, capsicum and carrot diced fine and get some good Maillard action going on.  Dump in some passata and a little oregano, then lower the heat even further, re-introduce the roo, cover and simmer for a bit while the roo cooks from super-rare to where you want it.  Which is rarer than where you think you want it, because if you cook a roo steak until it's grey all the way through you will have made boot leather, so don't do that.  It's on our national crest, and you should show the poor animal some respect!

In the mean time steam some peas, some broccoli and possibly some green beans (but we'd run out). If you've never steamed ordinary garden variety peas before you really should - they are way more delicious than their nutritional content has any right to be.

This whole dish is hilariously healthy, by the way. If that's a thing you're into.

1 comment:

  1. On reflection I think I might have splashed a bit of red wine in with the passata.
